Our sales consultants and service technicians will come "to your yard" with one of our three demo vans. The vehicles are equipped with the newest Diebold products so that we can demonstrate them to you and you can test them right away. Our taper gauges are also on board. With these your tool holders can be checked for accuracy.
Would you like to experience Diebold Goldring tool holders live in our demo van? We show JetSleeve™, CentroGrip™ and UltraGrip™ chucks as well as our leading shrink technology and measuring technology.
We are happy to come to you with our demo van to present to you the Diebold world live on site.
All we need is a 400V, 16A power supply and a compressed air connector.
Make your appointment now!
To make an appointment, please contact our sales management by phone at: + 49-7477-871-712 or by email to: j.bidlingmaier@hsk.com.